Friday, October 19, 2012

Gourmet Orange Blossom Madeleines, bringing some sunshine on a rainy day

I am always looking for ideas of healthy treats for my girls and as homemade gifts. Two years ago I tried a Madeleine recipe features in a book called Pâtisseries Maison (Marabout) written by the very talented FlorenceEdelmann. I have to confess, I never liked Madeleines before. Most of the ones you buy in stores are too cakey and dry. So I was reluctant to try Florence’s recipe.

My daughter Lola insisted though that I give the recipe a try. She needed to bring a treat for a special day at school. So, I decided to try it and add my imprint on the recipe (as usual). If I can’t improve on a recipe, I don’t feel it is really mine. Hehehe

I added some mandarin zest, some Orange blossom honey, drops of orange blossom water and 15 minutes later I had an amazing smelling treat baking in my oven. The house smelled so good. If I could put a name on the Aroma I would name it orange euphoria! The aromas of oranges filled the house and I had lots of nostalgia to my grandmother’s kitchen.  The Madeleines were perfect; Small, fluffy, aromatic with a hint of honey goodness. I baked them in small Madeleine silicone molds. So they were just bite size. My girls were thrilled and it took 3 minutes for the first batch of Madeleines to disappear in their mouths.

From that day on we were all hooked on the Orange Blossom Madeleines. We enjoy them on any occasion. When it was a gray rainy day like today, the aroma of Orange Blossom Madeleines brings some sunshine to our hearts.

So when I visit friends or family I always bring my famous Orange Blossom Madeleines or some of French Macarons for the host. Giving a handmade treat is always special. It is a gift that shows you really care. Next time you are invited to friends, bring some of my special Madeleines with you. Just remember that they are at their best the first day or when just coming out of the oven. You will see, they disappear fast!
Bonne Appétit, Sahten, Enjoy!

Orange Blossom Madeleines

Makes about 24 regular or 36 mini Madeleines
Style of dish: Dessert
Note:  Dairy free
Prep time: 10-15 min
Cooking time: 12-15 Min
Resting time: Minimum 1h (best one night in the fridge)

2 large eggs
150g of powder sugar (If you don’t have, regular white sugar will do)
1 tsp vanilla sugar (or liquid vanilla)
1 pinch of salt
150g of flour
1 tsp instant yeast
125g soft butter (1 stick)
Zest of 1 Orange, Mandarin or Clementine
1 tsp of Orange Blossom Honey (or Flower Blossom Honey)
1 tsp of Orange Blossom Water (optional but a real plus)

Mix the eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt till well combined and light in color. Mix in the zest, the orange blossom water and the honey. In another bowl sift the flour. Then add the yeast and blend well. Gradually add the sifted flour mix and the soft butter to the egg mix. Your dough should be fluffy and a bit elastic. Overworking your mixture will harden your madeleines. 

Put your mixture in the fridge for one hour or overnight. Take out your mixture and leave for 10 minutes at room temperature to soften the dough for easy handling. Fill your madeleine molds or any small molds on hand. 
I prefer silicone molds as they don’t need buttering. Preheat your oven to 340°F (170°C). Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or till the madeleines are firm and light gold. Enjoy while still warm or the same day. Madeleines can be stored for up to 3 days in a airtight container after they cool down. Enjoy!

Le coin Français:

Madeleines à la Fleur d’Oranger

Pour environ 24 Madeleines régulière ou 36 mini Madeleines
Type de plat: Entremet
Temps de préparation: 10-15 min
Temps de cuisson: 12-15 min
Temps de repos: 1h minimum (mieux une nuit dans le réfrigérateur)

2 gros œufs
150g de sucre en poudre (Si vous n'avez pas, du sucre blanc régulier fera l'affaire)
1 sachet de sucre vanillé (ou 1 cc d’extrait de vanille)
1 pincée de sel
150g de farine
1 cc de levure instantanée
125g de beurre mou (1 bâton)
Le zeste de 1 orange, mandarine ou clémentine
1 cc de Miel d'Oranger (ou miel de fleur de fleur)
1 cc d'eau de fleurs d'oranger (facultatif mais fera la différence)

Mélanger les œufs, le sucre, le sucre vanillé et le sel jusqu'è ce que le mélange blanchisse. Ensuite incorporer le zeste, l'eau de fleur d'oranger et le miel. Dans un autre bol tamiser la farine. Puis ajouter la levure et bien mélanger. Incorporer ce mélange de farine tamisée et le beurre mou è votre appareil. Le mélange doit être moelleux et un peu élastique. Ne pas trop manipuler pour ne pas obtenir des madeleines dur ou sec.

Mettez votre mélange au réfrigérateur pendant une heure ou toute la nuit. Sortez votre mélange et laisser reposer 10 minutes à température ambiante pour ramollir la pâte pour faciliter la manipulation. Remplissez vos moules à madeleines ou des petits moules de votre choix.
Personnellement je préfère les moules en silicone car ils n'ont pas besoin de beurre. Préchauffez votre four à 340 ° F (170 ° C). Cuire pendant 12 à 15 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que les madeleines soit dorées. Manger à la sortie du four ou le même jour. Madeleines se gardent maximum pendant 3 jours dans un contenant hermétique après qu'ils refroidissent. Bonne Apétit!


  1. J'ai trouvé la recette des madeleines excellente pour y avoir goûter. Bravo Karine!

  2. Hello Karine - Lovely recipe. I also think these tend to be dry so am eager to try yours.

    And thanks for visiting my blog :-) I'm sure you can see I share your thoughts about food and memories...

    1. Thanks Jeannee, I think we do share the same views. I only follow blogs that are different and creative. Blogs that will inspire me with their creativity, with good photography and demonstrating a passion for food. So your blog stood out. ;)

      Hope you will enjoy my Madelaines. So easy to make and enjoyed by all.


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